DOE1 Original

More than Enough: Allowing God to Bless our Finances

A comprehensive guide to budgeting, biblical wisdom, and smart financial choices.
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Course Description

In this comprehensive financial course, individuals are guided through the fundamental steps to achieve financial security. It begins with the development of a spending plan, often referred to as a budget, aimed at helping individuals take control of their finances by ensuring they consistently have more money at the end of the month than month left at the end of their money. Participants are encouraged to differentiate between wants and needs, curb impulse buying, and create a simple one-page budget to manage their income and expenses effectively. The course places this financial advice in a broader context, referencing the teachings of the Bible to highlight that financial well-being is a matter of concern for both individuals and a higher power. It emphasizes that financial success depends not only on earnings but also on how effectively those earnings are managed and saved.

Additionally, the course delves into vital topics, including the transformation of health insurance from a luxury to a necessity due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It explores the ACA's government healthcare exchange, premium tax credits, and their impact on ministers and churches. The course provides valuable insights into the significance of life insurance, retirement planning, and the decision of whether to rent or buy a home. It also offers guidance on investing, emphasizing a cautious approach, skepticism of unrealistic investment promises, and gradual entry into the stock market. By adhering to these principles, participants can work toward financial security and make sound financial decisions to ensure their financial goals align with their income, both now and in the future.
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Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Developing a Spending Plan
  • Lesson 2: Health Insurance
  • Lesson 3: Life Insurance
  • Lesson 4: Retirement
  • Lesson 5: Your Home—Renting vs. Buying
  • Lesson 6: Investing 101

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Art Rhodes

Hello, I am Art Rhodes, CEO of the Church of God Benefits Board, and this course was designed with a deep sense of responsibility and dedication to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve financial security and make informed financial decisions. These topics span a wide range of financial aspects, from budgeting and healthcare to life insurance, retirement planning, homeownership, and investing. My goal would be to provide practical guidance that resonates with a diverse audience.
Patrick Jones - Course author