Global Lifelong Learner Certificate
The Global Lifelong Learner (GL3) is offered to all Church of God ministers who are committed to continue the process of learning, updating, and sharpening ministry skills to fulfill their calling with excellence.
The Church of God Division of Education wants to recognize the interest and efforts of the Church of God ministers committed to a continuing process of learning, updating, and sharpening ministry skills to fulfill their calling with excellence. For this reason, the DOE has carefully selected and produced online courses that bear denominational recognition and allow COG ministers to earn the annual Global Lifelong Learner Certificate.
In order to earn the annual Global Lifelong Learner Certificate (GL3), Church of God ministers must take six selected courses and attend a live webinar within a year. The GL3 is renewable annually, so a different set of courses will be offered every year.
GL3 courses have been developed to provide content that is biblically and theologically sound, relevant to present-ministry needs, and applicable to today’s ministry. Also, GL3 courses have been designed to provide learning opportunities for the busy ministers who can access the courses at any time at their convenience and can take courses at their own pace.
In summary, the GL3 provides the opportunity for Church of God minsters to engage in a continuing ministerial learning and development process, while at the same time, recognizes such efforts by providing a formal certification that has worldwide ministerial recognition within the denomination.
I hope you take advantage of this opportunity and enroll in the GL3.
Dr. Michael Reynolds, Director
Church of God Ministerial Development

“Teaching on education Key platform has been an amazing experience.”
Dr. Michael Reynolds
Director of Ministerial Development
Church of God Division of Education
Church of God Division of Education
Frequently asked questions
What Is the Global Lifelong Learner Certification (GL3)?
- The Global Lifelong Learner Certification (GL3) is offered EXCLUSIVELY to Church of God ministers.
- Global Lifelong Learner Certification (GL3) requires the completion of six (6) courses in a year, and the attendance to a live webinar.
- The GL3 is renewable annually, and certification courses vary from year to year.
- Each course has an average of seven (7) lessons.
- Each lesson lasts an average of only six (6) minutes, so a course can be completed in about 42 minutes, plus the time to answer the review questions.
- The entire process of certification, including completion of the courses and the live webinar attendance, may be completed in less than an average of ten (10) hours each year.
What are the benefits of the GL3?
- The GL3 provides ongoing training and skill-building to the COG ministerial community.
- The GL3 can be accomplished with minimal burden and intrusiveness into the already compacted full lives of the credentialed clergy.
- The GL3 provides content that is biblically and theologically sound, relevant to present-ministry needs, applicable to today’s ministry, and affordable.
- The GL3 can be taken at the minister’s convenience.
What are the GL3's courses called?
- Courses are called Ministry Advancement Units (MAUs).
- Each course grants one (1) MAU.
- Six MAUs plus the attendance to a live webinar are required to earn the annual Global Lifelong Learner Certification (GL3).
How are the GL3 courses composed?
The courses are composed of . . .
- Video lessons that provide condensed material.
- Short review questions after each lesson.
- Some lessons may require short additional readings.
- DOE1 platform grants continuous and unlimited access to GL3 courses, with a focus on learning instead of assessing.
- Courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere in the world where a device can be connected to the internet, including smart phones, tablets, laptops, or desktops.
How Does the GL3 Follow the 2016 International General Assembly’s Educational Blueprint?
- GL3 courses provide the active learning opportunities for COG ministers required in the Educational Blueprint.
- The GL3 follows the Educational Blueprint's competency areas given for comprehensive learning, which include the categories of: Affirmation of Calling, Biblical and Theological Education, Church Planting, Discipleship, Faith and Culture, Financial Acumen, Leadership Development, Strategies for Healthy Local Churches, and World Evangelization.
- The GL3 will be tailored to each level of ministry for customization—Exhorter, Ordained Minister, Ordained Bishop, and Retired Ministers.
How and When will the GL3 Be Released?
- The GL3 courses will be released in March 2023.
- Live Webinars will be offered in December 2023.
- In 2023, the GL3 courses will be the same for all ministerial rankings, but in subsequent years, a different set of six courses will be offered to different ranked levels.
How Much Does the GL3 Cost?
- GL3 courses are part of the DOE1 Subscription Plan, which normally costs $19.99 per month, but COG Ministers will receive a 50 percent discount, and will pay only $9.99 a month.
- Since GL3 courses are part of the DOE1 Subscription Plan, ministers will not only have unlimited access to GL3 courses, but also to ALL DOE1 courses included in the Subscription Plan.