Christian Education's Future

Shifting Paradigms and Empowering Christian Higher Education for the Future
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Lecture Description

This course explores the future of Christian higher education and the necessary adaptations and innovations needed to meet the evolving needs of students and communities. It examines the changing landscape of Christian higher education, including shifts toward online programs, micro-credentialing, and vocational degree programs. The course delves into the middle market of Christian higher education, where prestigious degree programs are becoming more accessible to a larger number of individuals. Participants will delve into the concept of global and affordable education, decentralized from traditional brick-and-mortar institutions and facilitated by digital platforms. They will explore the importance of interoperability in educational offerings and how learners can incorporate diverse learning experiences into their educational journeys.
Meet the Instructor

Dr. Chad Causey

Hi, I am Dr. Chad Causey of OneHope, an international ministry committed to presenting the biblical message to children and youth, in 2001 after seven years of full-time youth ministry. For 13 years he served as the Vice President of Global Ministries and now holds the role of Vice President of Ministry Design, where he manages the integration of Theology, Research, Training, Strategy and Innovation into the mission and vision of OneHope. Chad holds a doctorate from Talbot School of Theology. He has served in the military, taught in school, worked in business, and pastored a local church. He has been married for 22 years to Jeannine, and is the proud father of four children: Abigail, Charles, Katherine and Caleb.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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