DOE1 Original

Biblical Interpretation for the Church

This course provides the tools and the structure for proper interpretation of Bible in the context of today's church.
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Course Description

Among the most important knowledge and skills a Christian church minister must possess is the ability to interpret the Scriptures; what Paul termed “rightly dividing” the Word in 2 Tim. 2:15. This course provides the biblical foundations about the importance of the Bible interpretation for the church, discusses how to become a better interpreter of the Bible, and offers a step-by-step guide for arriving at a good interpretation of the Scriptures.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: The Importance of the Bible Study
  • Lesson 2: The Importance of the Bible for the Church
  • Lesson 3: Becoming a Better Interpreter of the Bible
  • Lesson 4: Qualities of a Good Interpretation of Scripture
  • Lesson 5: A Step-by-Step Guide for Understanding Scripture (Part 1)
  • Lesson 6: A Step-by-Step Guide for Understanding Scripture (Part 2)
  • Lesson 7: A Step-by-Step Guide for Understanding Scripture (Part 3)
  • Lesson 8: A Step-by-Step Guide for Understanding Scripture (Part 4)
  • Lesson 9: A Step-by-Step Guide for Understanding Scripture (Part 5)

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Dr. Lee Roy Martin

I am Dr. Lee Roy Martin. I am a former pastor and now Associate Pastor. I also am a professor of Old Testament and Biblical languages at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

I developed this course for those interested in sharpening their skills to properly interpret the Bible for today’s church. Through TV, social media, and the internet, we are faced with a dizzying array of biblical interpretations. Some are good and edifying, but others are little more than sensationalism at best and false teaching at worst. How do we discern the difference between good and bad?

This course provides the biblical foundations on the importance of the Bible and its interpretation as well as provides concrete and practical insights on how to carry out good interpretations of the Scriptures. If you are a Minister of the Word, this course is certainly for you!
Patrick Jones - Course author