DOE1 Partner

Building and Multiplying Teams

God has called us to be disciple-makers. Teams can be an effective way to achieve this. This course will help you discover what is necessary to build a unified, diverse team that multiplies and builds disciples as Jesus did.​
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Course Description

God has designed us to function in teams for the sake of making disciples and building His Kingdom. Healthy teams are diverse across age, gender, background, and types of thinkers. These qualities promote creativity and team effectiveness when managed right. Through this course, Libby Horton will help you discover how to build a unified, diverse team that functions well, grows together and multiplies disciples.

Presenter: Libby Horton

Jacques is the founding CEO of Reaching a Generation, an organization that creates strategy and resources to mobilize churches to conduct city-wide outreaches, with follow-up discipleship to children and youth. Jacques specializes in leadership development. He is a family man, professional hunter, private pilot, and a businessman, using business as an avenue to support mission.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction & Overview
  • Lesson 2: Building and Multiplying Teams
  • Lesson 3: Ministry Application
  • Lesson 4: Course Wrap-Up

Course Lessons