DOE1 Partner

Building Relationships with Children

Children need positive, loving relationships in order to flourish in all areas of life. In this course, we explore the scriptural foundations for building relationships with children. We also discover four principles for building relationships with children and ways to implement those principles.
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Course Description

Children need positive, loving relationships in order to flourish in all areas of their life, including their spiritual life. However, we do not always make relationship-building a priority because of cultural or personal views of children. In this course, Building Relationships with Children, you will discover scriptural foundations for welcoming children and building relationships with them, along with practical ideas for doing both. You will learn four principles for building deeper relationships with children that can be applied to your ministry context and consider ways to implement them. You also will have the opportunity to reflect on your own perspectives on welcoming and building relationships with children.
This course is part of a collection of courses on basic children’s ministry, called “TWELVE,” developed by the 1for50 movement.

Presenter: Daniel Kyalo Manyenze (Kenya)

Pastor Daniel Kyalo Holds a BA in Theology, LBU-USA; Diploma In Intercultural Studies and Theology, Bridgeworld College; Missional leadership certificate from CPR, Institute- Piet-Retief, South Africa. Pastor Daniel has served as head of the children's ministry at Deliverance Church South City Nairobi for the last 23 years. Being multi-talented, Daniel has a wealth of experience and passion as a master trainer and a skillful life coach and counselor. He is the president of Catch a Generation children's ministry, a 1for50 Master Trainer, and an advocate for children. He sits on the national children's ministry board committee of the Deliverance Church International.

Daniel is married to Lilian Wanjiru Mbali and blessed with two daughters and a son.

1for50 Movement

The 1for50 movement is a global, grassroots training movement which equips leaders around the world to reach, disciple and empower the next generation to be Kingdom Champions. To learn more about the vision and mission of 1for50 and how you can be involved, please visit

OneHope Ministry

In partnership with local churches, ministries, and governments around the world, OneHope has reached more than 1.7 billion children and youth with God’s Word. Based on in-country research OneHope conducts, Scripture programs are designed to be age and culturally relevant. Since 1987, OneHope has helped kids experience God’s Story, sharing the life-changing message of hope with children and youth in every country.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction & Overview
  • Lesson 2: What is 'Decomai'?
  • Lesson 3: Welcoming Children
  • Lesson 4: Building Relationships with Children
  • Lesson 5: Course Wrap-Up

Course Lessons