DOE1 Partner

Children's Advocacy

Learn why the Bible and current statistics encourage and empower children's ministry workers to minister to children.
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Course Description

This course will guide you in focusing on why we minister children. There is a lot of information, both biblically and statistically, that explains why we need to invest in the next generation and the generations to come.

About OneHope

With more than 30 years of children's ministry experience, OneHope has provided resources and training to effectively deliver God's Word to more than one billion children and youth around the world. This course, Children's Advocacy, is part of OneHope's Children's Ministry 101 (CM101) foundational training. Foundations is OneHope's training brand that provides an avenue to share valuable insights and innovations to equip children's and youth ministers globally. The name Foundations is taken from 1 Corinthians 3:10-11. "According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction & Overview
  • Lesson 2: Children's Advocacy
  • Lesson 3: Sharing the Value of Children
  • Lesson 4: Course Wrap-Up

Course Lessons