CAMS for Students

Knowing Your Church—Student Edition

A study of the organizational structure and ministry of the Church of God with emphasis on the growth of the church from a small southeastern group to a global church of over 8 million members.
This course is only available to CAMS for Students applicants. Learn more.
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Course Description

Knowing Your Church—Student Edition presents an overview of how the Church of God functions as an organization and provides important information to anyone who desires to serve in the church. This course details the spiritual leadership and organizational structures that have pointed the Church of God in the right direction throughout the years with a global ministry in more than 189 countries/geographical entities and eight million members.  Hopefully, the student will come away from this course with a heightened appreciation of the Church of God and its varied ministries.
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Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Art Rhodes

This course has been specially designed to equip Christian ministers to be aware and informed about all the potential tax issues that they may face in leading a congregation of believers. Topics such as Federal, State, and Local tax exemptions are discussed as well as payroll tax issues, Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) and other important taxation matters that affect churches.This is a fundamental course that every minister leading a church should take.
Patrick Jones - Course author