DOE1 Original

More: A Relentless Pursuit of Jesus Christ

A study of the book Philippians.
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Course Description

Beyond religious practice and form there is a place of relationship to Jesus Christ that is MORE and in that relentless pursuit you find what you were created to be.

The Apostle Paul saw every day as a fresh opportunity for God to accomplish something through his life, his voice, his relationships that advances God's kingdom and brings lost people to Jesus.

The things you discover in life and faith must be shared, and should be left for those who follow you. It would be sad to be given revelation and never share it, to have tasted MORE and never tell another how to find it.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: People Just Like Me
  • Lesson 2: So Others Don’t Have To
  • Lesson 3: Easy Christianity
  • Lesson 4: Never Satisfied
  • Lesson 5: Defeat Worry
  • Lesson 6: Do What I Do

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Bill Isaacs

Bill Isaacs serves both as Senior Pastor of Lake Erie Church and as the Executive Director for the Center for Pastor Excellence, a global strategy for equipping pastors in the Church of God. He has served the Church of God as evangelist, pastor, state youth director and Administrative Bishop (Louisiana, Ohio). Bill has degrees from Lee University and Regent University in pastoral leadership and strategic foresight and a doctorate in Strategic Leadership/Organizational Systems. Married to Shelley Fleming, they have two sons Jeremy and Jason who are pastors and eight grandchildren. All of these craft a philosophy of ministry centered on relationships with God, with others, and helping leaders reach their kingdom potential.
Patrick Jones - Course author