DOE1 Original

The Love Factor: Truths Before You Say, I Do

Discussing Essential Biblical Truths for Couples Getting Married.
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Course Description

The Love Factor, Truths To Explore Before You Say, “I Do,” will discuss many Biblical truths that are essential for couples getting married need to know. They do not need to find out after they get married.This book will answer many questions that several Christian couples take for granted. Because of the lack of proper knowledge prior to marriage, many couples suffered many unnecessary challenges. This series will limit the challenges and provide information, tool and skills to navigate the blessing of marriage. In order for a marriage to stand that test of time, the Bible says, “‘. . . a Man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the church. Each of you, however, should love his wife as himself, and a wife should respect her husband (Ephesians 5:31-33).”The apostle Paul have shared so much truth in this text. A cursory reading cannot reveal the dept. However, when it is fully unpacked, it reveals such mystery, knowledge, revelation, skills and tools to help couples build a life that will reflect the image of God in marriage.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3
  • Lesson 4
  • Lesson 5
  • Lesson 6
  • Lesson 7
  • Lesson 8
  • Lesson 9
  • Lesson 10

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Dr. Daniel Vassell

I am Dr. Daniel Vassell Sr., serving as the Mobilize Ministry coordinator, and Marriage and Family Ministry Special Focus facilitator in the Church of God Division of Education. I am teaching this course to support pastors and leaders to better address the overwhelming needs of marriage and family in their churches and parishes. I know pastors are engulfed with many issues in their churches; therefore, this course is designed to provide basic overall information and hope to the church that it will continue to further equip leaders through the resources provided by the Division of Education or any of our other educational platforms.

Patrick Jones - Course author