DOE1 Original

The Minister and Finances

An informal exploration of financial issues.
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Course Description

The Minister and Finances is a short video introduction to some of the various areas of financial transactions that the average minister might encounter. This is an informal exploration of financial issues, and a revelation of mistakes that were made by the author in these areas. The purpose of this course is to help the viewers avoid similar financial mistakes in the future. 

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: The Minister and Taxes
  • Lesson 2: The Minister and Investments
  • Lesson 3: The Minister and Personal Loans
  • Lesson 4: The Minister and Church Loans

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Dwain Pyeatt

I’m Dwain Pyeatt, Coordinator for the Church of God Division of Education. I have been in ministry 50 years, and 27 of those years have been in the pastorate. I really enjoy helping newer ministers develop and grow, and I have dedicated my life to that responsibility. I want to share some experiences with you and for this reason I am teaching this course titled “The Minister and Finances.” I hope what you learn in this course will help you manage your personal and church finances in a wise and productive way.

Patrick Jones - Course author