DOE1 Original

The Minister and Taxes

Exploring issues related to ministerial tax issues.
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Course Description

In this course, Dr. Art Rhodes will share critical principles that all ministers should be aware of as they go through their responsibilities and duties as a pastor. We will take a look at several components relating to ministers and taxes, such as pastor compensation, accountability plans and fringe benefits, Social Security and Medicare, taxable income, and more.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3
  • Lesson 4
  • Lesson 5
  • Lesson 6

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Art Rhodes

I am Art Rhodes, a lawyer and presently serving as the President and CEO of the Church of God Benefits Board. I am teaching “The Minister and Taxes” course in hopes of making ministers aware of all the potential tax issues that they may face in leading a congregation of believers.

Patrick Jones - Course author