DOE1 Original

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Discipleship

The importance of the Holy Spirit for discipleship and spiritual formation.
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Course Description

This course discusses the importance the Holy Spirit is to the life and ministry of the church. Students will learn the discipling work of the Holy Spirit in the gospels, the role of the Holy Spirit in the Pauline Epistles, and the role of the Holy Spirit in the Johannine Epistles and the Book of Revelation. This course describes the critical role of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.
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Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Check the Gas Tank
  • Lesson 2: Like a Father
  • Lesson 3: The Normal Christian Life
  • Lesson 4: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
  • Lesson 5: Let’s move on, people!
  • Lesson 6: This is not a test!

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Art Rhodes

This course has been specially designed to equip Christian ministers to be aware and informed about all the potential tax issues that they may face in leading a congregation of believers. Topics such as Federal, State, and Local tax exemptions are discussed as well as payroll tax issues, Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) and other important taxation matters that affect churches.This is a fundamental course that every minister leading a church should take.
Patrick Jones - Course author