DOE1 Conversation

What is a Multicultural Church?

Reviewing examples from the New Testament to illustrate the trajectory of increasing diversity in the early Christian community.
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Course Description

In this conversation, Michael Reynolds is hosting a discussion with Pastor Carl Hinson from Spring Valley Church in Pennsylvania. They are discussing the theological significance of having a multicultural church and the importance of diversity within the church community. Pastor Hinson emphasizes that a diverse church is not just a sociological experiment but a theological mandate.

Course Lessons:

  • Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Bishop B. Doyle Roberts

Hello, I am Bishop B. Doyle Roberts, and I have served as senior pastor of the International Praise Church of God in Columbia, South Carolina, for more than twenty years. From early on, the Lord gave me a burden and a vision of a multicultural church. It was in 2002 that my family and I were appointed pastor of the International Praise Church of God. We experienced a phenomenal growth in all areas of ministry, including spiritual, ministerial expansion, attendance, financial, and the building of new facilities on 40 acres of land located in Northeast Columbia. It is my hope that by sharing how God challenged me in the area of diversity that in this course—Embracing Diversity—we can see how the church should become just that—diverse!
Patrick Jones - Course author